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Train the Trainier: Run an Adaptive Value Stream Workshop


The necessary skills to run your own Adaptive Value Stream Workshop - bringing your organization to a new level of adaptability




2 Days

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Purpose and Background

This "Train the Trainer" workshop equips participants (ideally with some previous experience of value streams) to lead their own Adaptive Value Stream Workshop, fostering organizational adaptability. The training focuses on developing skills to prepare, run, and manage this workshops, covering everything from identifying the right participants and scope, guiding the use of the mapping tools and helping plan to implement results in the organization. The training enables organizations to make informed strategic decisions and enhance overall adaptability in a step-by-step manner.

What you will learn

Participants will learn to use key mapping and evaluation tools, enable alignment, and ensure lasting impact. The training emphasizes the importance of aligning value creation needs with organizational capabilities and creating internal facilitators to drive continuous improvement. It aims to empower coaches, process owners and organizational architects to facilitate their own workshops and spread the mechanisms for value stream mapping throughout the organization.

  • Theory and Concepts: After a recap of value streams (VS) and VS-identification concepts, you will gain a grounding in value stream capability mapping and related methodologies.

  • Workshop Preparation: Learn to analyze the environment, define purpose and goals, and select suitable participants.

  • Creating Alignment: learn methods for creating alignment across diverse organizational units.

  • Agenda Creation: Understand the purpose and approaches for each step in the workshop agenda, and how to tune it to the specific organizational needs.

  • Tool Application: Practice using evaluation and mapping tools, including value stream, static and dynamic maps.

  • Impact Creation: Learn how to link the workshop to organizational roadmaps and derive concrete, prioritized measures.

  • Long-Term Results: Understand the importance of maintaining workshop results over time

Training Details and Agenda

This workshop is ideal for coaches, enterprise architects and SPCs who want to develop the skills to run their own value stream identification and capability mapping workshop. Additionally, it can be valuable managers who want to increase their understaning of value stream identification and capabaility mapping. The workshop is a two-day in-person workshop designed for a maximum of 12 people. It can be run in German or English.

Day 1:

  • Theory and concepts

    • Introduction to methodology and concepts (Value stream mapping, capabaility maps, choice of capability maps, portfolio initiative to capabaility mapping and more).

  • Preparing for your Workshop

    • Analysis of the environment. and focus on current issues of an organization 

    • Determination of purpose, needs and goals and desired results.

    • Selection of suitable participants.

  • The Agenda

    • Stepping through and discussing purpose and approaches for each step in the agenda

  • Wining the Participants

    • dealing with different goals (both open and hidden)

    • Identification of other influencing factors in the environment (current teams, work priorities, etc.).

    • separating analysis from decisions

Day 2: 

  • Using the Tools

    • Practice using the evaluation and mapping tools

    • Practice with value stream mapping and dynamic mapping

  • Setting the bar for creating impact

    • Putting the workshop in a larger perspective

    • the importance of roadmaps

    • Derivation of possible organizational changes based on the problem and analysis results.

    • Determination of concrete measures including prioritization and timing.

    • maintaining the results over time.

  • Reflections on specific issues

    • dealing with context specific challenges which may occur

  • The adaptive organization

    • Running the workshop with organizational impact in mind

Unser Team

Manfred Becking

Richard Butler

Jörg Nitschmann



Adaptive Value Stream Workshop

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