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Learning Paths

Adaptive Value Alignment Management

Learn the tools and skills to flexibly align development teams around business goals to generate the most value.

Adaptively connect business goals with the right IT teams!

In this learning path you develop the knowledge and skills to be able to transform the strategic goals of an organization into actionable roadmap items. Additionally, you are equipped with the tools to flexibly map these roadmap items to development teams while avoiding the classical problems associated with Conway’s Law and also overcoming bias towards current technical solutions and systems. The skills can be applied locally or across an organization.

You learn what is needed to enable team alignment based on business need instead of the existing organization or legacy technology and systems, how to flexibly and quickly adapt roadmaps and planning as business needs change and how these skills can be applied to improve strategic competence development.

An organization must learn to identify where which teams can generate the most value for an organization by working on the right initiatives on the roadmap; As the business needs change, the teams’ assignments change.

you learn how to

  • transform strategic goals into actionable and adaptive roadmaps.

  • how to structure and organize the capabilities of your businesses and understand how they interact to generate value

  • How to optimally map your roadmap to business capabilities to optimize planning

  • How to identify which teams create the most benefit where in the organization and how to map teams and work to maximize value creation

Integral Skills

Individual trainings and workshops teaching you how to make your organization become more flexible and build resilience.

Essential integral skills you need to help make your organization more flexible, adaptive and resilient

In this learning path, a number critical building blocks which help you to make your organization more adaptive and resilient can be developed. They can be used to support any of the four adaptivity learning paths

You learn (Examples)

  • how to use and apply OKRs in an adaptive organization

  • how to get your roadmaps under control

  • how to deal with complex requirements

  • about the organics and dynamics of organizations - how organizations are both mechanistic and organic and leadership approaches in such an organization. 

  • Lean release management

  • ...and much more


Future Learning Paths

Trainings and workshops are not yet available for these paths

Adaptive Organizational Architecture Management

Establish Centers of Operation and Resource Excellence (COREs). Teaching you how to create the stable and emotionally safe environments to enable adaptive reorganization.

Establish Centers of Operation and Resource Excellence (COREs)

This learning path provides the knowledge and skills to make teams more flexible and adaptive so that they do not impede organizational adaptability but enable it. It teaches the importance of creating stable and psychologically safe and meaningful home-bases as a means of giving teams the cognitive capacity and emotional security to adaptively reorganize.

It describes how to develop centers of excellence (called Centers of Operations and Resources Excellence - COREs) which can become more than just a buzzword and are used to provide technical and functional stability as an enabler for organizational flexibility and adaptability, ensuring that architectures are properly evolved and system retirements can be effectively managed ultimately creating a fit-for-purpose IT-Landscape.

you learn how to

  • create transparency of team skills to enable more flexible (and motivating) team deployments and to allow better planning and skill development.

  • create a standardized overview of competencies and capacities in an organization and to strategically evolve capabilities and expertise of teams and individuals in a long-lived stable organization.

  • successfully establish and enable IT-teams which are active in both a development and an operations environment simultaneously thus ensuring smooth ongoing system operation and evolution while simultaneously keeping teams working on the development topics where they can add the highest value.

  • establish the key structures, processes, communication paths, artifacts, meetings etc for enabling adaptive teams on an organizational level

Adaptive Collaboration Management

Continuously adapt team collaborations to address business goals. Learn how teams can use different collaboration models appropriate for collaboration and development needs.

Continuously adapt team collaborations to address business goals.

This learning path provides the knowledge to enable organizations and teams to smoothly adapt how constellations of teams work together in the best way to meet current business needs.

It covers the skills to help teams not only change with whom they collaborate but also how they work together, so that waste and overhead is minimized thus providing the highest value to the organization.

It addresses needed alignment meetings the ACE), to agree and arrange collaborations and how these can be integrated into existing meeting structures.

You will learn:

  • The practical knowledge of different collaboration structures and mechanisms, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and when which collaboration structures are appropriate.

  • How to plan, prepare, and execute an Adaptive Collaboration Event (ACE).

  • How to keep these events lean and how to integrate them into existing organizational structures and processes.

  • How to enable teams to choose the collaboration approach most appropriate for their needs.


  1. Standard courses for Adapative Collaboration have not yet been developed - please contact us for requests

Adaptive Value Flow Management

Establish an effective connection between business goals and IT solutions. Learn how to constantly align and realign work and responsibility to ensure smooth flow of value.

Adaptively connect business goals with the right IT teams!

This learning path teaches you the knowledge and skills to seamlessly and constantly realign the development organization to harmonize with changing business needs, creating clear lines of communication and responsibility between business and development, ensuring focus and high adaptability. In the event of short-term changes in requirements, there are focused responses not mired in multiple dependencies. This ensures high adaptability, lack of delays and hand-offs and avoids silos.

You will learn:

  • How to dynamically organize and reorganize around value

  • Methods for Grouping business initiatives into Adaptive Implementation Zones (AIZs)* (see notes) to minimize value stream dependencies

  • How to plan, prepare, and execute a Portpolio Planning Event (PPE).

  • Approaches for assigning teams to Adaptive Implementation Zones (AIZs) to maximize value creation

  • How to set up, run, and dissolve an Adaptive Implementation Zone (AIZ)


  1. Adaptive Implementation Zones (AIZ) are temporary organizational units with exclusive responsibility for implementing one or more business initiatives.

  2. Standard courses for Adapative Flow have not yet been developed - please contact us for requests.

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