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The OIC Concept

Help on OIC Dimensions

Enterprise/ Strategic Dimension

Goals and direction. The Why.

In the orientation phase, senior managers with the help of change experts evaluate, define and set goals for a transformation. They set expectations, evaluate readiness and define a transformation architecture which includes developing an understating of their role in the transformation. Strategic program governance is established, key roles are defined, an initial roadmap (addressing cultural and structural change) and communications plan is set up.

During implemenation, senior change experts run transformation initiatives in alignment with  transformation goals and strategy. Progress is evaluated using short learning cycles. Transformation initiatives (both cultural and  structural) are defined, started, stopped or adapted as needed.

In the cultivation phase, change becomes a norm. Senior Management defines intent (the key  directions) and lets the organization “get on with it.” It sets goals  which are challenging but realizable, so that the organization can  relentlessly strive to be better.

Enterprise/Strategic Dimension

  • Embodying values enabling autonomy and agility

  • Communicating purpose to energize people.

  • Making the big decisions.

Portfolio Dimension

What we do to achieve the goals

The portfolio dimension provides the "what" to the purpose and strategy  provided on strategic level. Here the products and services that are  required to fulfil the strategic goals are identified, defined and  prioritised based on customer and organizational value.

In the orientation phase, Lean Portfolio structures for managing and priroitizing work based on value need to be understood and initiated.

Moving into implementation,  appropriate agile processes and tools to enable adjustment on content  and collaboration and to manage work  (budgeting, evaluating etc) must  be initiated and implemented. It is important that identified value  streams are used as the basis around which work is planned.

In the cultivation phase, there are regular assessments of organizational structures and  ability to best meet business needs (reorganizing around value). Content governance and control processes are regularly reviewed and optimized  as needed.

Portfolio Dimension

  • Understanding what products and services achieve purpose of the organization

  • Quickly reacting to new knowledge.

  • Removing waste in processes and content

Delivery Dimension

How we collaborate

Delivery Management is tasked with the planning, implementation and delivery of the initiatives defined on portfolio level – turning the “what” defined by portfolio into finished products or services that customers can use.
Within the broad guidelines of the organization, Delivery Management plans and realizes the work to be done.
Delivery management establishes the environment necessary for teams to organize, collaborate and reorganize as needed to sustainably maximize their contribution to value creation. It enables the right skilled teams to continuously organize their collaboration based on the current value stream needs.

Delivery Management in the three transformation phases:

In the orientation phase teams learn what changes are needed and what ones make sense. If needed, agile behaviors and mindset are introduced. Fears and expectations addressed. People are intorduced to new collaboration mechanisms and consider if and what needs to change in the organization to give their contributions more impact in adding value to the oprganization.

During implementation teams are trained in agile processes and cross-team collaboration. New organizational structures are tried out. Cultural and mindset as well as structural and technical aspects (necessary devops, modern engineering) are addressed.

In the cultivation phase on team or solution level, regular reviews of results and particularly failures need to be set up to ensure learning about both the developed solutions and products as well as the collaboration and communication processes.

Enablement Dimension

Enabling People, operating systems

Enablement maintains the systems and services which have been built by delivery management. This includes keeping the systems up and running as well as evolving the underlying technology and architecture and providing a suitable infrastructure to run, develop and to deploy the products and services on these systems.

Enablement not only maintains the systems and services, but also provides a home base to teams and ensures that they are empowered in terms of capacity, accountability, and capability to maintain and enhance the systems within their area of expertise. Based on the strategic direction of anorganization, it ensures that the capabilities of the organization are matched to the upcoming needs. And since this is the home of the teams all aspects of HR management are considered a part of the enablement dimension.
The enablement function is the heart of an organization.

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