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The OIC Concept

Help on OIC Phases

1.1 Orient

The first steps of the transformation journey

The orientation phase starts typically on strategic level.

Senior  management recognizes the need for change and needs to evaluate, define  and set goals and expectations for a transformation. It is important to  evaluate where the company stands, what the motivators for change are,  what level of change really makes sense and, based on this, define a  transformation architecture and governance.

As each  area or group becomes involved in a transformation, it goes through its  own orientation phase which has a different scope but always starts with  the why,

Orintation Phase

1.2 Implement

The transformation is up and running

Implementation  typically begins with a pilot followed by a managed expansion into  different areas of the organization. It is customary, that the  transformation speed of these areas varies significantly.

A Transformation team manages these changes and focuses on ensuring that the cultural and structural changes are in synch.

Implementation Phase

  • Setup of minimum necessary governance, processes and alignment

  • Organizing the value creation around value streams

  • Managing personal and team change journeys

  • Enabling Learning Cycles and accelerating.

1.3 Cultivate

The active part of the transformation is completed, change is being embedded in the organization

Organizing  around the changing needs of the customer is built into the DNA of the  organization so that it constantly responding to optimize around value  (business agility).

Cultivation Phase

  • Relentless Improvement

  • Focusing on mindset and culture

  • Establishing dynamic structures and enabling reorganizing value creation around value streams

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